BITBOX Integration

Spedn is available for NodeJS developers as an SDK extending capabilities of BITBOX SDK. TypeScript type definitions are provided out of the box.


NodeJS v11 or newer is required. You can also use v10 but then Worker Threads feature has to be explicitly enabled by --experimental-worker flag.

To install Spedn SDK in your JS project, type:

npm i spedn
# or
yarn add spedn

Compiler service

Spedn compiler runs as a service in a worker thread that you can start, use and dispose with Spedn class.

import { Spedn } from "spedn";

async function main() {

   const compiler = new Spedn();
   /* use compiler */


Instead of manually disposing the service you can also use using function inspired by some languages, which guarantees automatic disposal of a resource also in case of exceptions.

import { Spedn, using } from "spedn";

async main() {

   await using(new Spedn(), async compiler => {
      /* use compiler */


Compiling contracts

To compile a source file use compileFile method. To compile source code in a string, use compileCode.

const BlindEscrow = await compiler.compileFile("./BlindEscrow.spedn");

const ExpiringTip = await compiler.compileCode(::`
   contract ExpiringTip(Ripemd160 alice, Ripemd160 bob) {
      challenge receive(Sig sig, PubKey pubKey) {
         verify hash160(pubKey) == bob;
         verify checkSig(sig, pubKey);
      challenge revoke(Sig sig, PubKey pubKey) {
         verify checkSequence(7d);
         verify hash160(pubKey) == alice;
         verify checkSig(sig, pubKey);

The output of those methods is a JavaScript class representing a contract template. Static field params describes what parameters are required to instantiate it.

// Object {alice: "Ripemd160", bob: "Ripemd160"}

Instantiating contracts

To instantiate the template, just create an object of the contract class, providing parameters values. Parameters are passed as an object literal explicitly assigning values by names. Values of bool and int Spedn type can be passed as ordinary JS booleans and numbers. Time and TimeSpan are also passed as numbers (see BIP65 and BIP112 for value interpretation details). All the other types should be passed as JS Buffer.

In case of ExpiringTip you’ll need 2 public keys which you can generate with BITBOX.

import { BITBOX } from "bitbox-sdk";

const bitbox = new BITBOX();
const mnemonic = "draw parade crater busy book swim soldier tragic exit feel top civil";
const wallet = bitbox.HDNode.fromSeed(bitbox.Mnemonic.toSeed(mnemonic));
const alice = bitbox.HDNode.derivePath(wallet, "m/44'/145'/0'/0/0");
const bob = bitbox.HDNode.derivePath(wallet, "m/44'/145'/1'/0/0");

const tip = new ExpiringTip({
   alice: alice.getIdentifier(), // Ripemd160 hash of Alice's public key
   bob:   bob.getIdentifier()    // Ripemd160 hash of Bob's public key

Once created, you can read the contract funding address and lookup for UTXOs (coins) that are locked in it. Also, a field challengeSpecs contains definitions of challenges and their parameters.

// bitcoincash:pppvx30pcylxzhewr6puknpuvz7gjjtl4sdw4ezcnp

const coins = await tip.findCoins("mainnet");
// Array(2) [.....]

// Object {receive: Object, revoke: Object}
// Object {sig: "Sig", pubKey: "PubKey"}

Spending coins

To spend coins, use TxBuilder. Provide tx inputs with from method and outputs with to method. Optionally, set a timelock with withTimelock. To send the transaction to the network use broadcast method. If you just want to build the transaction without broadcasting it, use build method.

from method accept a single coin or an array of coins as a first parameter. Because you can’t (in most cases) sign the input without defining all the inputs and outputs first, from method does not simply accept scriptSig parameter. Instead, it accepts a SigningCallback function and the actual signing is deferred to the moment of calling build/broadcast.

SigningCallback accepts 2 parameters. The first one is an object containing contract challenges. The second one is a SigningContext which provides methods necessary for signing:

  • sign(keyPair, hashType) - generates a siggnature valid for OP_CHECKSIG.
  • signData(keyPair, data) - generates a signature valid for OP_CHECKDATASIG.
  • preimage(hashType) - generates the same preimage as one used by sign(keyPair, hashType) (useful for OP_CHECKDATASIG covenants).

Note that methods accepting hashType always add SIGHASH_FORKID flag so you don’t need to specify it explicitly.

to method accepts an address or a scriptPubKey buffer as its first argument and an amount (in satoshis) as the second one. You can also omit the amount at a single output - in this case, TxBuilder will treat this output as a change address and automatically calculate its amount choosing optimal transaction fee.

In the following example, all the previously found coins are spent using receive challenge but 5mBCH goes to Bob’s new address and the rest goes back to Alice.

import { TxBuilder, SigHash } from "spedn";

const txid = await new TxBuilder("mainnet")
   .from(coins, (input, context) =>
         sig: context.sign(bob.keyPair, SigHash.SIGHASH_ALL),
         pubKey: bob.getPublicKeyBuffer()
   .to("bitcoincash:qrc2jhalczuka8q3dvk0g8mnkqx79wxp9gvvqvg7qt", 500000)

Spending ordinary P2PKH

Spedn SDK provides also a class P2PKH which is a representation of an ordinary Pay to Public Key Hash address. You can instantiate it with a public key hash buffer or several factory methods:

import { P2PKH } from "spedn";

let addr = new P2PKH(bob.getIdentifier());
addr = P2PKH.fromKeyPair(bob.keyPair);
addr = P2PKH.fromPubKey(bob.getPublicKeyBuffer());
addr = P2PKH.fromAddress(bob.getAddress());
// all the above are equivalent

P2PKH contracts can be spent just like any other contract - they have spend({sig, pubKey}) challenge, but you can also replace the whole signing callback with a convenient helper signWith(keyPair). Let’s modify the previous example to spend additional input.

import { signWith } from "spedn";

const bobsCoins = await addr.findCoins("mainnet");

const txid = await new TxBuilder("mainnet")
   .from(coins, (input, context) =>
         sig: context.sign(bob.keyPair, SigHash.SIGHASH_ALL),
         pubKey: bob.getPublicKeyBuffer()
   .from(bobsCoins[14], signWith(bob.keyPair))
   .to("bitcoincash:qrc2jhalczuka8q3dvk0g8mnkqx79wxp9gvvqvg7qt", 500000)

Spending generic P2SH

Spedn SDK provides also a class GenericP2SH for interoperability with any Pay to Script Hash contract created without Spedn. To work with that kind of contract, you just need to know its redeemScript and what arguments it expects. The generated class will have a single challenge spend with parameter requirements as specified in the constructor.

import { GenericP2SH } from "spedn";

const contract = new GenericP2SH(redeemScriptBuffer, { sig: "Sig", someNumber: "int" });